Monday, September 25, 2017


830 pre-entries  for the 34-th World  powerlifting, benchpress, deadlif, multy-repeat benchpress and armlifting  Championship WPC / World Champions Cup AWPC/WAA-2017 (1-5 of November, 2017, Moscow, Russia) from 35 countries: USA,  Belarus, Egypt , UzbekistanKazakhstan, Brazil, Kyrgyzstan, Italia, India, Armenia, Estonia, Switzerland, Canada, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Serbia, Hungary, Israel, Ukraine, Belgium, Slovakia, Germany, Bosnia I Hercegovina,  France, Latvia, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Moldova, Great Britain, Finland,  Uruguay, Poland, Ireland and Russia:

More pre-entries from Ireland, Czech Republic, Azerbaijan and Russia!

Official web-site of  the 34-th World Championship WPC:

To make an application for participation:

days before the deadline…

Best regards,
Igor Umerenkov.